90’s Kids Versus the Kids of Todays. Opinions?

Question by carguy424: 90’s kids versus the kids of todays. Opinions?
So I noticed something. I know this is not all kids, but it is definitely a big difference in behavior between now and back in the 1990’s.

In the 90’s, kids went to Chuck E Cheese, Toys R’ Us, and played G rated gameboy games like Pokemon. They played hide and seek and tag. The worst show they watched was the Simpsons and they mostly watched Nickelodean and Cartoon Network and Disney. They had no idea what Gay people were and they did not pay attention to politics as children.

Now, kids go to rated R movies with or without their parents. Kids watch Family Guy and shows on Adult Swim. They watch reality TV shows about sex and drugs on MTV and ABC Family(not a family channel anymore). They play rated M(mature) video games on their PSP, PS3, or xbox 360. They have smart phones, less adult supervision, and many parents let their kids go out in skimpy clothing late at night to hang out with “friends”.

Every year, I see 9 to 16 year old girls wearing less and less. This past summer, they all ended up looking like strippers and the boys looked like thugs.

What is going on in this world? Do you think it has to do with the generation that raised today’s children? That generation being those born in the late 70’s-early 80’s.

90’s kids were raised by the generation born in the 60’s.

I was a 90’s kid. I did not learn about sex until 6th grade, which is when people started dating. I did not hear my first curse word until 6th grade as well. Now a college grad, I see grade school 5-12 year old kids cursing and doing things that I did not start doing until highschool.

Our culture is fading fast into one where parents no longer raise their children or care what they do.
I guess then everyone in my school(and life) had a sheltered life. I had lots of friends and knew many people since I played soccer, basketball, and hockey for many years. But I never knew any kids that cursed or even thought about this stuff when we were younger.
I was also born in the late 80’s, but I was too young to remember the 80’s as a baby.

Also, when I was younger, my friends and I always played in the playground outside, or in the indoor play place at some Burger King’s and McDonalds. There were so many kids always playing outside. Now playgrounds are filled with loitering teens doing drugs and the BurgerKing/McDonald play place is empty most of the time.

Best answer:

Answer by ???? 2.0
i was born in 1992 and i remembered kids played outside until the streetlights came on then it’s time to come in the house.You sound like the other generations before us generations began and end quick you can’t compare because im sure people in the 70’s think 80’s kids are crazy things change in generations

Answer by D K
….And THIS is the type of thing I find off-putting about 90s kids on the internet, their tendency to ALWAYS draw battle lines between ‘their’ generation and ‘today’s’ generation. Frankly, I’m sick of tired of 90s kids carrying that sense of entitlement, no generation is perfect, has/is/will never will be. I guarantee you that in 2032, kids who are growing up right now will complain how ‘everything is going downhill’ like you are, nostalgia is circular, which is why I never buy into it. Which also reminds me, who’s to say that our parents didn’t complain about how WE were growing up? Let me give you an example, I remember my dad complaining (and this was before 2000) about how video games and computers cause kids to be less productive (and still true to this day of course, but if you think game addiction didn’t become an increasing problem among kids growing up from 1991-1999, then boy do I have a swampland in Florida to sell you!)

And for the record, regarding the ‘kids today swearing’ rhetoric, my dad and uncle grew up in the 50s, and they weren’t poor at all, yet they were regularly around kids who swore like sailors. Even if the kids in your school were as pure as you say (which I highly doubt), that’s still a very very VERY small minority to the rest of the kids in the US (and even moreso compared to the whole world). Just because you and a few other kids had such a ‘pure’ childhood, doesn’t mean everyone else did, so stop acting as if you speak for everyone.

And one more thing, regarding this statement:

“They had no idea what Gay people were…..”

And it’s bad that kids today know what gay people are because…..? Personally, I consider it a good thing, it shows that we are becoming more aware and accepting of homosexuality, they’re human too you know? It could be that in our lifetime, gays would be accepted enough that Disney may create a movie with two princes loving each other.

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