A Luxury Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center With Sober Living

A luxury drug and alcohol rehab center with Sober Living – A luxury drug and alcohol rehab center might be just what is required to get your loved one into rehab. Many Executives, Doctors and Lawyers can not be talked into going to rehab, if it means going to the local Mission. But given the option of a comfortable and effective program, they may go. www.valiantrecovery.com


He beat addiction, and then the odds
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab center

At 13 he tried marijuana, and by 14 he was drinking alcohol heavily. "It made me feel like … He went through 16 rehabilitation programs, more than two years of methadone and four incarcerations, he said. "I was into theft, robbery, all for the drug …
Read more on Frederick News Post (subscription)


Drug Rehab Seeks Respondents for Post Acute Withdrawal Survey
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab center

The Hollywood, Florida drug rehab center is asking people in any stage of recovery to fill out a confidential, self-reporting survey about Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome – considered by many to be the #1 cause of relapse among those with substance …
Read more on WebWire (press release)


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