Does Aa Discourage Harm Reduction Practices?

Question by Zoe: Does aa discourage harm reduction practices?
I know the organization is for “anyone who wishes to stop drinking”, but how does it feel about harm reduction practices involving moderation. I want to over come my issues with alcohol that have been induced by depression and the pain it has caused me, but I am not ready and nor do i feel that I need to never drink again. I don’t necessarily want lifelong sobriety, but i do like the support of others who know how damaging alcohol can be. Will I be frowned upon by the organization in general if I attend meetings with this mentality…

Best answer:

Answer by nickipettis
a few people might wonder why you are there, but many people first come to AA first to learn how to drink “like normal people”

you will fit in fine

Answer by Joe
open meetings can be attended by anyone. some may be judge-mental of your decision, but it is YOUR decision. but some people will keep theyre distance just so you dont affect their sobriety. good luck with your recovery

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