Drug Addictions?

Question by epiphonegirl: Drug addictions?
Do you think it is possible to be addicted to drugs in a different sense than being addicted to one specific drug?
What I mean is…do you think people who drink and do drugs are simply addicted to being high, not feeling things, and not dealing with problems?
Yes, crack, coke, etc. cause strong physical addictions, but would people become addicted to them if they weren’t desperate to get high?
Personally I think so.
I smoke weed, and I did coke one day because my dude said he could get me coke but not weed at the moment.
I started smoking weed cuz I drink.

Best answer:

Answer by sunshine
I really think its both.

They like the specific drug and the high it gives them.

Answer by .allie.marie.
It is possible. People don’t start drinking of doing drugs with the sole purpose of getting addicted. They do it to get the feeling, or to get away from things happening in their life. If something happens, and they decide to turn to a drug to get away and it happens to be a strong drug like cocaine, they could get addicted.

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