men and women

More Veterans Courts Would Help Texas

More veterans courts would help Texas
Filed under: veterans alcohol rehab

Justice for Vets, a national organization committed to the expansion of veterans treatment programs, reports that, of the more than 2.4 million men and women who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, 460,000 suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder, …
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Veteran Devotes Energy to Helping Fellow Vets

Veteran devotes energy to helping fellow vets
Filed under: va alcohol rehab

On this day when men and women who have served the country in the Armed Forces are honored, Lawrence's Francisco Urena will go on television to promote the services and programs offered by his office, before heading off… Continue reading

Addiction Treatment: Ventura County, CA Addiction Treatment Center Expands Services – PR Web (Press Release)

Ventura County, CA Addiction Treatment Center Expands Services – PR Web (press release)
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Ventura County, CA Addiction Treatment Center Expands Services
PR Web (press release)
Known to be one of Southern California's most affordable yet highly regarded luxury drug rehab facilities for both men and women,… Continue reading

Factors Work Against Modifying PE Home Into Addictions Centre

Factors work against modifying PE Home into addictions centre
Filed under: drug and alcohol rehab centres

There is a growing concern over the skyrocketing rate of addiction to prescription drugs in P.E.I. and how this is creating extended wait times for detox and rehabilitation programs at Mount Herbert. There are… Continue reading

'Breaking Bad' Obit Triggers Frenzy

'Breaking Bad' obit triggers frenzy
Filed under: christian drug and alcohol rehab

Services: Alcohol and drug addiction recovery program for men, overnight accommodation and clothing for homeless men, a community meal for men, women and children daily, mail service for men and women. … websites, including the New York Times,… Continue reading

Into Action Treatment Sponsors NOPE Annual Candlelight Vigil

Into Action Treatment Sponsors NOPE Annual Candlelight Vigil
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

To honor those men and women who have been lost to addiction, Into Action Treatment will assist with the sponsoring of the NOPE (Narcotics Overdose Prevention and Education) Annual Candlelight Vigil. (PRWeb October 21, 2013) Read the full… Continue reading