North Carolina

EXTENDED: Q&A With NC Gov. Pat McCrory

EXTENDED: Q&A with NC Gov. Pat McCrory
Learn logic, learn problem solving, learn history so we won't repeat the mistakes of the past, learn languages so you can adapt to this international environment and so you can be a better person. I think the … I am an advocate of… Continue reading

7 Reasons to Risk an Intervention

7 Reasons to Risk an Intervention
My oldest son Noah began a scary descent into alcoholism and drug abuse in his teens that continued into his 20s. … If your loved one is in serious trouble with addiction, you may want to consider an intervention, too. … The addict refuses… Continue reading

Heroin Detox Centers in North Carolina(5)

Heroin Detox Centers in North Carolina(5) — The Heroin Detox Centers in North Carolina is really a confirmed and tested remedy for a long …

Heroin special report: Lisa Knight was 'always looking for money to get dope'
And before too long, a friend offered her a syringe and… Continue reading

What Are Natural Remedies That Speed Up Heroin Withdrawal / Detoxification?

Question by beckmat0119: What are natural remedies that speed up heroin withdrawal / detoxification?
Natural/ Homeopathic remedies (vitamins/minerals/herbs etc.) that eliminate toxins from the body quicker and/or easier.
I’ve done research have learned some things are: water, vitamins A&C, liver cleansers, fibers, and a few others. Is there anything that… Continue reading

Is David Gahan ( Depeche Mode Singer) Gay?

Question by sirennax: Is David Gahan ( Depeche Mode singer) Gay?

Best answer:

Answer by zamantana
who cares?

Answer by daisy

REDLANDS: Spike in heroin overdoses led to crackdown
Redlands Police Department officers Kelli Bishop, left, and Patrick Leivas, will be honored on Friday by the U.S. Attorney for… Continue reading

NC AG Kicks Off Prescription Drug Abuse PSA Contest for High School Students

NC AG kicks off prescription drug abuse PSA contest for high school students
North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper is trying to attack the problem through a contest challenging North Carolina students to spread the word about prescription drug abuse. Cooper stopped by Vance High School Wednesday to promote the …… Continue reading