The Uncounted

The Uncounted
Others had sought help but felt they didn't get adequate treatment. Mullen knew two wives, each ….. But at least four other states — Florida, Colorado, Texas and Arizona — have enacted laws to help military spouses get jobs, Benson said. First lady …
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2014 questionnaires from U.S. Senate candidates to the Avalanche-Journal
Under Obamacare, Texans face skyrocketing premiums, employers are laying off workers and abandoning plans to expand, andWashingtonbureaucrats-not patients and their doctors-are making treatment decisions. Obamacare must be … That's why along with my …

Expecting pot penalties to decrease? Slow your roll
“He believes the best methods of combating illegal drug use include a combination of medical treatment and criminal enforcement. Legalizing drugs would encourage drug use, which affects every sector of society.” Levin said polling by the Texas Public …

Do You Want to Ride in the Police Car or the Ambulance? (Recovery Comedy) — Contact Recovery Comedy today and see the clean and sober entertainment of Kurtis Matthews at your next Recovery Convention. Cl…

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