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My Father Is Very Addicted to Illegal Drugs. How Do I Step in This Problem?

Question by Holla 409: My father is very addicted to illegal drugs. How do I step in this problem?
My father is very addicted to illegal drugs. How do I step in this problem? I work near Slocum, Rhode Island. Are there any local government or charitable or private companies might help me make a difference?

Best answer:

Answer by roritr2005
Get a hold of ‘Intervention’ on A & E and let them know the situation. Maybe they can help. If not, perhaps social services, a doctor friend that can force him into rehab whether he likes it or not, or if all else fails, have him arrested for the drug use and let the jail time clean him up. None of them are pretty options for anyone to deal with, but maybe it will take something ugly to save something as beautiful as a father. Good luck!!!

Answer by Mckenzie 382
You can quickly find drug rehab medical centers in your region. Look up the directory specializing in your state. Check into free help on how to start. Good luck!

RI outlines plan to deal with drug overdose epidemic
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