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Springfield Salvation Army’s Recycled Textiles Help Fund Its Drug and Alcohol … – MassLive.com

Springfield Salvation Army’s recycled textiles help fund its drug and alcohol … – MassLive.com

Springfield Salvation Army's recycled textiles help fund its drug and alcohol
Last year, the city-based organization recycled 2,019,294 pounds of textiles, earning $ 513,024 from their sale, which goes to support Salvation Army's adult drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, said Maj. Darren Mudge, adult rehabilitation center …

Alcohol Rehab – Google News

Newark OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Additional Substance Abuse … – PR Web (press release)

Newark OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Additional Substance Abuse
PR Web (press release)
Newark OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Additional Substance Abuse Treatment Program. Understanding the power of drugs and alcohol that take a person from functioning to broken helps when beginning to heal, and there is help available.

Alcohol Rehab – Google News

Sandusky, OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Updated Residential Treatment … – PR Web (press release)

Sandusky, OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Launches Updated Residential Treatment
PR Web (press release)
Sandusky, OH Alcohol Drug Rehab is launching an updated residential treatment plan for individuals living in Sandusky and other towns in the area. Too many people live their lives under the spell of drug addiction, hiding and shunning those who love

Alcohol Rehab – Google News

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