opiate addiction

To a Medical Doctor About Opiate Addiction and PAWS (Post Acute Withdraw Syndrome)?

Question by JiNx: To a Medical Doctor about Opiate addiction and PAWS (Post Acute Withdraw Syndrome)?
I have off and on, mostly on, been addicted to prescription pain medications (Opiates) for about 10 years (I’m almost 30 now, and started at age 19-20). I have tried to quit many times,… Continue reading

Boyfriend With a Drug Addiction.. Please Take the Time to Read.?

Question by Alexia J.: Boyfriend with a drug addiction.. Please take the time to read.?
I met my boyfriend 6 years ago. We dated for a year when I was 14 and then began dating again last August. During our time away from each other he developed an opiate addiction,… Continue reading

Is Anybody Out There on Methadone?

Question by ThoughtCriminal: Is anybody out there on Methadone?
I live near methadone clinic. Can’t help but notice that the people that go there look like WRECKS.
Is Methadone worse than Heroin?
seems they should be looking better being off the heroin….
they seem harrassed…
counselors effing with them… Continue reading

Forum to Discuss Heroin Overdoses

Forum to discuss heroin overdoses — Eyewitness News Reporter Todd Wallace discusses the recent increase in overdoses.

The therapeutic justice is the solution for drug addicts
There is a clear agreement between the young drug user and the court: if the defendant pleads guilty and agrees to follow a detox… Continue reading

CCTA Strike Disrupting Some Addiction Treatment – WPTZ the Champlain Valley

CCTA strike disrupting some addiction treatment – WPTZ The Champlain Valley

CCTA strike disrupting some addiction treatment
WPTZ The Champlain Valley
"Clinical treatment for opiate addiction relies on establishing rapport and consistency in terms of the treatment protocol and so to the extent that it's disrupted, it inhibits where we… Continue reading

CCTA Strike Disrupting Some Addiction Treatment – WPTZ the Champlain Valley

CCTA strike disrupting some addiction treatment – WPTZ The Champlain Valley

CCTA strike disrupting some addiction treatment
WPTZ The Champlain Valley
"Clinical treatment for opiate addiction relies on establishing rapport and consistency in terms of the treatment protocol and so to the extent that it's disrupted, it inhibits where we… Continue reading