the problem

Can Physiatrists (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) Treat Addictions?

Question by : Can physiatrists (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation) treat addictions?
Addiction is a disease, and it is debilitating. And the sufferers need rehabilitation. But as far as I know, physiatrists don’t treat addiction. I want to know for sure is they do or don’t, and if… Continue reading

Daughter’s Drug Addiction ?

Question by tracey s: Daughter’s drug addiction ?

My name is Tracey, I have a 21 year old daughter who is taking prescription pain pills I just don’t know what to do so I will try and tell you as much as I know. two months ago is when we… Continue reading

Why Do My Parents Enable My Drug Addict Brother?

Question by : Why do my parents enable my drug addict brother?
My 27 year old brother is a long-term meth addict and really an all-around degenerate. He is a total parasite who remorseleslly squanders my aging parents’ resources on drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, gas, legal fees… Continue reading


Question by GREG BOWMAN: MeThAmPhEtAmInE!?!?!?!?
anything similar to methamphetamine, if so can you give me detailzzzz on everything
First off Im writing a paper on this and need to know was there anything chemically similar, obviously you won’t be getting the best answer, and yes I have seen the faces… Continue reading

War on Drugs: Explained Through Supply and Demand

War on Drugs: Explained Through Supply and Demand

Locking up Detroit drug dealers won't stop drug abuse, officials say
But Mark Hines, who assists addicts in the Trumbull County jail as a volunteer for the Warren nonprofit Hope House and Youngstown faith-based Ohio Valley Teen Challenge, says the… Continue reading

Do Bloodshot Eyes = Drug Abuse?

Question by Club_qui_gon: Do bloodshot eyes = drug abuse?
I have a ‘friend’ who takes methadone for a past addiction and i noticed his eyes were bloodshot today. Would a regular dosage of methadone cause the user’s eyes to become bloodshot? Or should I be concerned that something is being… Continue reading