Addiction Treatment: How Obamacare Could Revolutionize Addiction Treatment – ThinkProgress

How Obamacare Could Revolutionize Addiction Treatment – ThinkProgress
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

How Obamacare Could Revolutionize Addiction Treatment
Obamacare's treatment of alcoholism and other drug addiction as chronic diseases that must be covered by insurance plans could lead to as many as 40 million Americans entering rehabilitation programs, according to California Health Report. Government 

Addiction Treatment – Google News


Wilderness Treatment Center marks 30 years – Daily Journal
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

Wilderness Treatment Center marks 30 years
Daily Journal
Wilderness Treatment Center was the first of what is now a popular rehab method, Brekke said, a marriage of the 12-step addiction recovery process and building self-esteem through surviving and thriving in nature. The young men here spend the first 30 

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Addiction Treatment – Google News


A look at US addiction treatment system – NECN
Filed under: Addiction Treatment

A look at US addiction treatment system
The national health law's expansion of insurance coverage could overwhelm the U.S. addiction treatment system. The chart shows estimates for how many people with alcohol and drug problems would be newly eligible for insurance under the Affordable 
AP-Health Overhaul-Addiction Treatment-GlanceWWMT-TV
Health law could overwhelm addiction servicesKTVL

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Addiction Treatment – Google News


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