Centre Rehab

What Is the Belladonna Hydrotherapy Treatment for Alcohol Abuse?

Question by JET: what is the belladonna hydrotherapy treatment for alcohol abuse?
heard this was an old treatment back in the 1930’s for people who had alochol abuse problems. trying to find out what it actually was.

Best answer:

Answer by Phantene
These… Continue reading

What Is Your Opinion on Homeless People and Traffic Greater Vancouver?

Question by Kristine A: What is your opinion on homeless people and traffic Greater Vancouver?
Quite often when I’m walking in downtown Vancouver I see homeless people on the streets begging for money. I also can tell that many of the homeless people are mentally unstable and have drug problems.… Continue reading

Get Help at Our Drug Abuse Rehab Center | Rehab After Work | Havertown, PA (610) 924-6088

Get Help at our Drug Abuse Rehab Center | Rehab After Work | Havertown, PA (610) 924-6088 — Drug abuse is a serious problem and cannot be ignored. http://rehabafterwork.com/index.html If a person is compulsively seeking and using a drug despite neg…

New Painkiller Rekindles Addiction Concerns
Nearly half of the… Continue reading

Tree Hill Nature Center Public Service Announcement

Tree Hill Nature Center Public Service Announcement — Andy Cecil and Eve Castaing showcase Tree Hill Nature Center, a non-profit organization that promotes environmental awareness, in this 60 second public servi…

Letters urge for mercy for former ag secretary Richie Farmer
Pitino asked the judge to show mercy to allow… Continue reading

I Think I’m Getting an Alcohol Addiction?

getting help for alcohol addiction
by ggypsy

Question by : i think i’m getting an alcohol addiction?
I’m a 14 year old girl and i had my first beer a few nights ago and i was fine then the next night i had 2 and then the next 3 (found out 3 is my limit).… Continue reading

OncoBriefs: Chemo for Bladder Cancer, Myeloma Care

OncoBriefs: Chemo for Bladder Cancer, Myeloma Care
From 1994 to 2008, fewer than 5% of patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer received neoadjuvant chemotherapy, and use of adjuvant chemotherapy topped out at 22% during the last few years of the study period. Patients treated with … To examine …
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