Does Methadone Stop Pain Like I Saw on a Recent House MD Episode?

Question by cobrapc: Does methadone stop pain like I saw on a recent House MD episode?
I have pain pretty much from head to toe from Fibromyalgia, arthritis in most of my joints, and back & shoulder injuries. I’ve been on several different pain, anti depressants, and other medications over the years, but nothing ever stops the pain. I’m to the point where I don’t want to live this way anymore as the pain gets worse as time goes on, and more disabilitating. I saw the recent House MD episode where he was taking methadone, and he was pain free. I know it’s just a TV show, but does methadone work this way?

Best answer:

Answer by nic1h1
well meth is a form of heroin, like a heroin substitute, and heroin is diamorphine which is pain relief. all opiods. so yeah i guess 🙂

Answer by i_wear_sensible_shoes
Methadone is also commonly used as an anti-addition and withdrawal drug from Heroin, as it is a synthetic opiod. Heroin/opium/morphine are natural opiods.

It is used to manage chronic pain, so I think in your case it could work quite well. It is also cheaper than many other strong pain relievers. But you would need to speak with your GP about this method as it has been noted by the US FDA that there have been a significant amount of cases of patients taking methadone for chronic pain and experiencing life threatening side effects. The withdrawal symptoms are less severe than natural opiods but last for much longer, too.

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