
Question by pregwit2: Methadone????
I have had enough of being on Methadone.I’ve been on 25mg for 2weeks now cause when i went down to 15 the pain was unbearable.What I like to no is how long is the withdrawal(cold turkey) symptoms last?What can I do to ease them (home remedies)?I’m just so sick of this shit having control over my life.I’m sick of week after week someone watching me take a piss.I don’t feel very sober being on this stuff and I want to be free of it for good…I ask about the withdrawals cause I have 7mo old twin girls and cant really be out of commision to long I have help at night time but not during the day.So can someone offer any advice or relief????

Best answer:

Answer by fatamorrighan
maybe someone in your family can take the children for a while because you need some serious help. You do no good to expose your children to this. If you are suffering they will know. Maybe you can have them go into foster care so you can get inpatient treatment. It would be very hard but would show you love your kids enough to do the right thing.

Answer by kkaospixie
Two weeks of methadone is an established opiate physical dependancy. Brace yourself. Methadone has HORRIBLE withdrawal symptoms if you stop cold, just as bad as heroin (not an exaggeration). Your dose is fairly low, but get off it before it gets worse. Wean like you are supposed to, and keep weaning STRICTLY no matter how bad it hurts. Don’t stop cold if you have kids to take care of.. you won’t be able to function properly for a little while. Wean and take it little by little. Going cold, you could be feeling bad for weeks, the peak being probably the 3rd or 4th day.

Take Ibuprofren for the muscle aches, soak in a hot tub with epsom salt, use heating pads.. your muscles will be very sore as your body releases it. Your stomach will be upset, so make sure you’re close to a toilet. Drink lots and lots of water to help flush your body, and force yourself to move around. YOU CAN DO THIS!!

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