rehab program

For a Impatient Rehab Center to Help My Daughter.. Pro Bono?

Question by nufarina: for a impatient rehab center to help my daughter.. pro bono?
please help my daughter kristy. she is in real, real bad shape. she is 30 years old and she is a very heavy drinker. she has been drinking for over 10 years and she is going… Continue reading

'He'S Gone Forever': A Somerville Family Looks Back on Years of Addiction

'He's gone forever': A Somerville family looks back on years of addiction
But to get into a rehab program, you have to have gone into a detox facility. To get into a detox facility, you have to have … But in fact, the highest percentage of relapses happen right after… Continue reading

Intervention Help for Percocet Addiction

Intervention Help for Percocet Addiction — Intervention and Treatment are needed for a loved one who suffers from a Percocet Addiction and should be solved with Detox and Rehab Programs.

"The Hungry Heart"
… on the prescription opioid and heroin problem in a northern corner of Vermont, providing a platform… Continue reading

What Is Your Opinion on Homeless People and Traffic Greater Vancouver?

Question by Kristine A: What is your opinion on homeless people and traffic Greater Vancouver?
Quite often when I’m walking in downtown Vancouver I see homeless people on the streets begging for money. I also can tell that many of the homeless people are mentally unstable and have drug problems.… Continue reading

Drugs Tearing Western Cape Communities Apart

Drugs tearing Western Cape communities apart — For more stories visit July 23 – Drug addicts who cant afford private treatment and rely on state rehab centers have to wait between thr…

They were too young to die
The star of Glee was found dead (from a drug overdose)… Continue reading

Question About the Drug Laws?

Question by The Groove: Question about the drug laws?
Should possession of under 2 grams of meth or cocaine (powder and crack) be considered a misdemeanor instead of a felony? I don’t do drugs but I don’t think a small amount of meth or cocaine should be a felony cause… Continue reading