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Rehabilitation Centre

Calls for More Alcoholism Rehab Centres – AllAfrica.com

Calls for More Alcoholism Rehab Centres – AllAfrica.com

Calls for More Alcoholism Rehab Centres
With only one state-owned rehabilitation centre in the country for those fighting the demons of alcohol and substance abuse there is a need for additional ones as alcohol consumption in Namibia continues on an upward… Continue reading

Heroin Addicts Face Barriers to Treatment

Heroin addicts face barriers to treatment
Of the 23.1 million Americans who needed treatment for drugs or alcohol in 2012, only 2.5 million people received aid at a specialty facility, according to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Heroin addicts are a …
Read more on Daily… Continue reading

Alcohol Rehab Sought for Uranium Suspect – New Jersey Herald

Alcohol rehab sought for uranium suspect – New Jersey Herald

Alcohol rehab sought for uranium suspect
New Jersey Herald
SPARTA — Officials are planning to transfer a Sparta man, accused of having uranium in his home, from the jail to an alcohol rehabilitation facility after lab results show the radioactive… Continue reading

Have You Ever Been in Rehab for Alcohol or Drug Addiction?

Question by smiles: Have you ever been in rehab for alcohol or drug addiction?
How did it change you life? What did you learn from the experience?

Best answer:

Answer by Katie

Answer by raysny
I’ve been through 5 rehabs for alcoholism, didn’t help a bit.… Continue reading

I Can’t Volunteer at the Drug Rehab Is It Fair?

Question by : I can’t volunteer at the drug rehab is it fair?
The end of December I had to have my leg amputated. I have to take pain meds for PLP ( Phantom Limb Pain). Because I will test positive for opiates I can’t volunteer now. Is… Continue reading

Grant Hackett Returns to Australia After Rehab for Addiction to Sleeping Pills

Grant Hackett returns to Australia after rehab for addiction to sleeping pills
The former swimmer was spotted arriving at Brisbane Airport 35 days after checking into The Meadows rehabilitation centre in Arizona to deal with an addiction to the sleeping drug Stilnox. He was admitted to the clinic just days… Continue reading