My Friend Needs to Detox Off Heroin Naturally, What Is the Best Home Remedy WITHOUT Any Methadone/suboxone?
Question by Lily Jayne: My friend needs to detox off heroin naturally, what is the best home remedy WITHOUT any methadone/suboxone?
What is the best possible way to detox off heroin without any narcotics or drugs to make it better. What will help ease the symptoms? Please specify! Thank you!
Best answer:
Answer by SuperVibrationalEscrow
When I was about 20 or so I helped with some friends see someone through heroin withdrawal. It is ugly business. You have to be prepared before you start. It will be painful, nothing you can do about that. Sweating, a lot, so you’ll need plenty of bottled water on hand. And something sweet like candy bars. Problem is the puking. You gotta keep them trying to eat something, especially sugar. Orange juice and chocolate is what we used. Moaning, groaning, yelling, possible seizures. Puking and possibly using the toilet on themselves. This may sound doofy and old fashioned, but we prayed a lot out loud over him. I’m not religious and wasn’t even then, but it did seem to help soothe. We also used washcloths on his face during the hot parts and kept changing the sheets that were wet with sweat. It can take 3 days or more.
Answer by Ashley brooke
My boyfriend just went threw this. I helped him threw the whole thing. The best thing to do without taking any of those medications is to take tylenol every 4 hours. also make sure you do not have to be anywhere important within the next week. ex. work, court, or any appointments. try and sleep threw as much as you can!!! This detox is the worst!! you will be vomiting and will have diarrhea, so make sure you drink plenty of water!!! Also there should be somebody next you the whole time, just in case you have strong erges to go back to heroin. Just try and stay relaxed and calm! Make sure you stay strong! well good luck to your friend.
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