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Addiction Rehabilitation

World Drug Addiction Statistics?

Question by : World Drug Addiction Statistics?
I was extremely curious if anyone has a chart or something saying what percentage of the population are drug/alcohol addicts split up country to country. It seems like the rate is very high in the United States meaning that just being born here… Continue reading

My Father Is Very Addicted to Illegal Drugs. How Do I Step in This Problem?

Question by Holla 409: My father is very addicted to illegal drugs. How do I step in this problem?
My father is very addicted to illegal drugs. How do I step in this problem? I work near Slocum, Rhode Island. Are there any local government or charitable or private companies… Continue reading

Michigan Drug Rehab Help Call 877-589-4560

Michigan Drug Rehab Help Call 877-589-4560 — Michigan Drug Rehab | Addiction Rehabilitation Is someone close to you struggling with addiction? Are you located in Michigan? Read on to find out where you …

From the Daily: Fighting Molly (and other drugs)
In a recent news report by the… Continue reading

Life Sux. I Want 2 drink.sober 3 1/2yrs. I Weighed Pros N Cons. Worst Situation, My Bf Won’t Give Me A2ndchanc

Question by Very Close 2 Drink: Life sux. i want 2 drink.sober 3 1/2yrs. i weighed pros n cons. worst situation, my bf won’t give me a2ndchanc

Best answer:

Answer by Shan
As a relapsed, but recovering alcoholic, all I can say is that YOU WILL REGRET IT!!! and probably… Continue reading

Fighting Heroin Addiction / Treatment Beds Needed

Fighting heroin addiction / Treatment beds needed
According to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, of the 23.1 million Americans who needed treatment for drugs or alcohol in 2012, only 2.5 million were treated at a rehab facility. And when an addict does find a bed …… Continue reading

Prescription of Psychiatric Drugs to Female Inmates Probed

Prescription of psychiatric drugs to female inmates probed
When separated by region, the prescription rate jumps to almost 75 per cent in prisons such as the Nova Institution for Women in Nova Scotia, the Joliette Institution for Women in Quebec and the Fraser Valley Institution for Women in British Columbia… Continue reading